TRACKING ANALYSIS OF LOST PERSON BEHAVIOR William Syrotuck An aid to search planning. 1976 Order #AOLPB SC $5.95 BLOODHOUND AND ITS USE IN TRACKING CRIMINALS Edwin Brough Order #B-BLD901 SC $8.95 FUN NOSEWORK FOR DOGS Roy Hunter Many fun activities you can do to train your dog to enjoy using his nose, developed by a Senior Police Dog Handler for the Metropolitan Police. From playing cards to scent discrimination in the kitchen cupboard. Hunter demonstrates how to train your dog and have FUN yourself. 67 pp. / 80+ illus. / 1996 Order #FNFD SP $15.95 GRID SEARCH TECHNIQUES FOR LOCATING LOST INDIVIDUALS IN WILDERNESS AREAS William Syrotuck 1974 Order #GRIDTECH SC $5.95 INTRODUCTION TO LAND SEARCH PROB- ABILITIES AND CALCULATIONS, AN William Syrotuck 1975 Order #ITLSPAC SC $6.95 KEEPING TRACK KIT B. A. Mueller Tough 3-ring binder contains a laminated, reusable mobile-map maker, a quarter - sized pocket tracker, a six page set of general instructions, and 50 full-sized preprinted maps ready to fill in. Binder Kit / 1993 Order #KEEPTRAK $19.95 KOEHLER METHOD OF TRAINING TRACKING DOGS William Koehler For search and rescue work, to assist in law enforcement, and to compete in tracking tests, here's all the preparation you and your dog will need. 144 pp. / 46 illus. / HWL-1984 Order #KMOTTD $21.95 MANHUNTERS! HOUNDS OF THE BIG T Tolhurst w/ Reed During his over 20 years as a special deputy, handling bloodhounds used for tracking in Lockport, NY, Tolhurst has met every chal- lenge presented by the criminal element. Every trial backed by his bloodhound test- imony has resulted in a conviction. This is his story. 272 pp. / photos / 1984 Order #B-BLD902 $17.95 NOTEBOOK TRACKER B. A. Mueller An 8.5x5.5 Set of 50 blank maps, featuring tough, gridded, laminated covers so that you can reuse them. Slides easily into a large jacket pocket or article bag. Hot red color makes it easy to find if misplaced in the field. Order #NOTETRACK SP $11.95 OBEDIENCE AND TRACKING TODAY Mardee F. Edelstein HOF-1989 Order #O&TT SC $34.95 POCKET TRACKER B. A. Mueller A 'pocket' version of the Notebook Tracker, this 5.5x4.25 folds open to 360 degrees and fits in most jacket pockets. 45 maps printed on one side, 45 records on the back of each. Order #POCKTRAK SP $4.95 PRACTICAL SCENT DOG TRAINING Lue Button 145 pp. / ALP-1990 Order #PSDT SC $9.95 PRACTICAL TRACKING FOR PRACTICALLY EVERYONE: A MANUAL FOR BEGINNING AND ADVANCED TRACKING Hogan & Tompson Covers beginning tracking, preparation for the TDX, and the new variable surface tracking test. Brief chapters on tracklaying and on equipment sources are included. 1995 Order #PTFPE SP $15.95 PUPPY TRACKING PRIMER Carolyn Krause A simple plan for training very young puppies. 1992 Order #PTP SC $10.95 READY! THE TRAINING OF A SEARCH AND RESCUE DOG Order #READY SC $26.50 SCENT AND THE SCENTING DOG William G. Syrotuck 1972 Order #SATSD SC $9.95 SCENT TRAINING TO TRACK Pearsall & Verbruggen ALP-1982 Order #STTT $16.95 SEARCH AND RESCUE DOGS TRAINING METHODS American Rescue Dog Association Appropriate for any breed, this guide emphasizes handler and unit training and conditioning for dogs, where as covers searches (water & ground), tracking and terrain analysis. 256 pp. / photos / HWL-1991 Order #SARD $24.95 SEARCH DOG TRAINING Sandy Bryson The author explains how dogs, with their amazingly keen sense of smell, can sniff out people and objects that can't be found any other way. She tells how to select and train a puppy for search work, discusses commands and reinforcement techniques, holding the dog's attention to the task at hand, how to organize a search mission, provides tips on working with law- enforcement personnel, and how to conduct both training and real-life search missions. 359 pp. / photos / 1984 Order #SDT SC $12.50 SO THAT OTHERS MAY LIVE Order #STOML $21.95 SUCCESSFUL WATER TRAINING A BUILDING BLOCK APPROACH See description under Newfoundland. Order #NEWFSWT SP $17.95 TOP WORKING DOGS A TRAINING MANUAL See Behavior & Training for description. Order #TOPWORK SC $24.95 TRACKING A BLUEPRINT FOR LEARNING HOW Jack Kearney 1978 Order #TABFLH SC $12.95 TRACKING DOG THEORY AND METHODS Glen R. Johnson 2nd/1978 Order #TDTAM $19.95 TRACKING FROM THE BEGINNING Gary Patterson A behavioral and non-mystical approach to tracking, including behavior, laying tracks, imprinting and creating a developmental plan through advanced titles. 1992 Order #TFTB SC $19.95 TRACKING FROM THE GROUND UP Order #TFTGU SC $17.95 TRACKING, MY KIND OF SPORT Jean Curley As told by John Curley, Sr. 1988 Order #TMKOS SP $18.95 TRACKING TRAINER'S HANDBOOK, THE Glen R. Johnson This is the last chapter of Tracking Dog: Theory and Methods. Condenses all of the track designs, tracking schedules and includes a lesson format to be used by trainers. 1975 Order #TTH SC $6.95 TRAINING FOR TRACKLAYERS A MANUAL FOR EVERYONE WHO WORKS WITH TRACKING DOGS Joyce Geyer 1991 Order #TFT SP $8.95 TRAINING THE COMPETITIVE WORKING DOG Rose & Patterson Includes schutzhund, tracking, and obedience training. 1985 Order #TTCWD SC $19.95 Audio / Video PROBLEM SOLVING IN TRACKING WITH DILDEI 50 min. / VHS / 1995 Order #PSITGD VT $49.95 PROBLEM SOLVING IN TRAINING A TRACKING DOG Order #PSITATD VT $30.00 START ON THE RIGHT TRACK AN INTRODUCTION TO TRACKING John Rogerson teaches how to train your puppy or older dog to free track, track on a harness and line, turn corners, and locate articles. Also addresses tracklaying, scent theory, and the effects of weather and terrain. 50 min. / VHS Order #SOTRT VT $30.00 TRACKING FUNDAMENTALS Sandy Ganz explains step-by-step in a 5-week lesson plan how to train puppies and adult dogs toward the AKC and CKC Tracking Dog (TD) title. 42 min. / VHS / 1992 Order #TFUNDSG VT $49.95 TRACKING WITH GOTTFRIED DILDEI Demonstrates how to teach to work intensely, confidently, and slowly from footstep to footstep, all the way to the end of a successful track. Emphasis is on motivating, not forcing, the dog to learn. Order #TRACKDIL VT $49.95 TRAINING A COMPETITION TRACKING DOG The most comprehensive Videotape on teaching a tracking dog. Includes theory of tracking, selection of field, wind currents, track laying, use of food, etc. 2 hours / VHS Order #LEERTRACK VT $65.00 TRAINING POLICE TRACKING DOGS LEVEL II AND III Leerburg video tape teaches you to train your dog through drive as done by the RCMP. This video deals with advanced city tracking. Level II is suburban tracking on the edge of town and level three concentrates on urban or neighborhood tracking. 2 hours / VHS / 1995 Order #TPTDL2&3 VT $65.00